
Swami Sivananda was born in south India on september 8th and dedicated all his life to serve humanity, first as a doctor and then as a great yogi. Considered as one of the greatest Masters of India, he is the spiritual energy that holds our practice and teachings. His message is: "Serve, Llove, Give, Purify, Meditate Realize".
He was a great writer with more than 200 books, with a very clear and direct way of expressing himself.



Swami Vishnudevananda was born in India and at the age of 18 we enter Swami Sivananada's Ashram. After 12 years of austere and strong discipline, his teacher sent him to the west to spread the goals of Yoga and world peace, task that he was always working for throught out his life. He founded the Sivananda Organization, author of "The book of Yoga" and "Meditation and Mantras". He is a renewed teacher and authority in Hatha and Raja Yoga.


About us:
Our background, practice and teachings are of classical Yoga, which integrates the 4 classic paths: Raja, Jnana, Bhakti and Karma Yoga as well as others that are based on these ones.

Krishna Darshan

Krishna is a direct disciple of Swami Vishnudevananda and has been a yoga and meditation teacher for over 38 years. He has being serving as the main Hatha Yoga instructor in many Sivananda Yoga Teachers Training Courses (TTC and ATTC), Sadhana Intensive courses and other advanced courses at various Sivananda Ashrams worldwide and has an in depth knowledge of Hatha yoga, Raja yoga and Vedanta philosophy.

He is also a Jyotish (Vedic astrology) teacher and consultant, certified by the American College of Vedic Astrology (ACVA) and council of Vedic astrology (CVA).


Maha Shakti

Maha Shakti, who hails from Uruguay, is a Yogini with more than 25 years of experience in teaching Yoga to all age groups. She has been teaching and assisting in numerous International Yoga Teachers Training courses (TTC and ATTC) and other advanced Sadhana retreats in various countries in South America, Europe, Israel and USA . Maha Shakti has been the director of the Children's Yoga camp at the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm inCaliforna, for many years. She is renowned for her exquisite vegetarian and ayurvedic cuisine!